Korerorero: Voice of the Oceans (English audio)

Check out this special edition of #Kōrerorero! This time, you will get to know the Voice of the Oceans, a worldwide movement to fight plastic pollution.

Two years ago, Voice of the Oceans began its journey to transform the world and build a better future, sailing with the mission of promoting environmental awareness.

Before its arrival in Aotearoa New Zealand, where it will complete its first stage and begin the second phase of a complete round-the-world tour, Voice of the Oceans joins Education New Zealand | Manapou ki te Ao, the New Zealand Embassy in Brazil and EMBRATUR – Brazilian Tourist Board for an exclusive chat about #sustainability, #science and #innovation with special guests.

It’s Kōrerorero: Voice of the Oceans.

The initiative has partnerships with the Latin America New Zealand Business Council and the Latin America Center of Asia-Pacific Excellence.

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